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Google Pay Per Click Ads: Approvals and Disapprovals

Navigating the intricate landscape of Google Ads can be a boon for businesses aiming to bolster their online presence. With DoctorLogic's PPC experts, we take care of the strategy and the heavy lifting so that you can enjoy the results.

However, amidst the allure of Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising lies a potential challenge: ad disapprovals. These rejections from Google can be frustrating hurdles. Still, the DoctorLogic team is readily available to provide guidance on procedures to avoid PPC campaigns, ensuring that your ads run smoothly and effectively.

Approved Procedures

  • General Health Procedures

  • Dental Services

  • Skin Care Services

  • Noninvasive Treatments

  • Med Spa Treatments (Not Including PRP or Cosmetic Injectables)

  • Nutritional Programs (Not including weight loss supplements)

  • Vision/ Optical Procedures

  • Dermatology Procedures (Not including PRP)

Approved Limited Procedures

  • Plastic Surgery Procedures (No images with nudity permitted)

  • Cosmetic Surgery Procedures (No images with nudity permitted))

  • Botox

  • Cosmetic Injections (Certification needed by the practice)

  • Sexual Services (Not including P-shot)

    • Women’s Sexual Health

    • Men’s Sexual Health

  • Hormone Treatments

  • Weight Loss Programs (Not including name-brand weight loss injections)

Disapproved Procedures

  • Abortion Services

  • Addiction Services

  • Birth Control

  • Behavioral Health

  • CBD/ Medical Marijuana

  • Cellular (non-stem) therapy

  • Clinical Trials

  • Experimental Medical Treatments

  • Gene Therapy

  • Ketamine Treatments

  • Laser Nail Fungal Treatment

  • Mental Health Services

  • Opioid Painkillers

  • Prescription Drugs

  • PRP Services

  • STD Testing

  • Stem Cell Therapy

  • Substance Abuse

  • Thyroid

  • Unapproved Pharmaceuticals

  • Unapproved Substances

  • Brands of Weight Loss Injectables (Wegovy, Semaglutide, etc.)

While ads on these topics are generally disapproved - content on these procedures can still remain accessible on the websites, as long as it does not appear on any landing pages the ads run to or in any navigational menus.

Please note: This list is consistently evolving as Google adjusts its guidelines. Consult your CSM for the most up-to-date information.

If you are ready to reap the benefits of Google PPC ads but have any additional questions or would like to discuss your campaign strategy, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

The Customer Success Manager Library

Last updated