
Monitor your online reputation, solicit feedback from patients, and publish to your website with a click of a button.

Why do reviews matter for your practice and your website?

  1. Fresh Content: Reviews are a form of fresh content that can help your website stay relevant and attract more visitors. Search engines like to see fresh content, so regularly publishing reviews can help boost your website's rankings.

  2. Keywords: Review pages often include specific keywords that people might use when searching for products or services related to your business. By including these keywords in your reviews, you can help your website rank higher for those specific keywords and phrases.

  3. User engagement: Reviews can also help improve user engagement on your website. When users find the reviews helpful and informative, they are more likely to spend more time on your website, which can help lower your bounce rate and signal to search engines that your website is valuable to users.

  4. Social proof: reviews can act as a kind of social proof, showing potential customers that other people have tried and liked your products or services. This can help boost your credibility and authority, which can in turn help boost your search engine rankings.

Want some help getting reviews from patients? Log in to your DoctorLogic Dashboard and use the Review Request tool!

Last updated